Tuesday, November 11, 2008


= 我是問題寶寶 問題寶寶 最多問題的壞寶寶 =

溫哥華的秋天是最討人厭的下雨天 Simply because I often forget my umbrella and it is too damn easy for me to lose one here and there...

Anyway... many people find that once it turns into Fall, ur skin starts to get itchy and u scratch like a monkey (at least I do!). Lotion, cream, oil, anything I can find, I put on my body (the only thing that I haven't tried is to soak myself in an OIL bath...) Itchiness I can live with it, but Eczema is killing me... I found out that 紅薏仁 actually helps to reduce the itchiness and the redness (at least for me!). This is not a commercial to promote the following item, but just to share the information with others who may benefit from it: 特別推薦 廣平的紅の薏仁 (莊淑旂博士研發, I think every girl/woman should know her! She wrote some awesome books that talk about our monthly problem!) I just mix 紅薏仁 power with my herbalife... easy, because I am lazy! One good thing about this product is that it has been cooked (熟化) so u don't need to use hot water... cold water works just fine! (see how lazy I am...)

I read this article online today about 紅薏仁:

[其  他] 夏季濕邪 紅薏仁調身體 【林文勝/台北市立萬芳醫院中醫科主治醫師】




薏苡仁在民間療法中,有人用來治療濕疹、過敏的記載;過去曾有學者otsuka等人發現由動物分離出的肥大細胞以conavalin A活化,並加入薏苡根部萃取物後具有抑制組織胺釋放的效果,經鑑定發現具有抗過敏的物質為六種benzoxaninoid的酚類化合物。另外根據台大食品研究所以動物實驗發現,適量紅薏仁可調節免疫機能,有抗過敏的效果。

一般人選購薏苡仁時,多偏好清白,大顆粒,但這些薏苡仁已去除麩皮,有效成分降低。薏苡籽實脫去外殼與種皮後的種仁為糙薏仁,亦即市面上所稱之「紅薏仁」,紅薏仁再經碾白除去麩皮後俗稱薏仁。紅薏仁比一般精白的薏仁含更多「薏仁酯」,以及豐富維生素群物質及天然植物纖維,一般人可自行買回家做料理,或是早餐店普遍也有紅薏仁飲料。 【2006/06/10 聯合報】 @
http://udn.com http://www.udn.com/2006/6/10/NEWS/LIFE/X3/3349783.shtml

紅薏仁 has other benefits like 幫助消化, 維持消化道機能, 調整體質, 養顏美容, 延年益壽, 促進皮膚新陳代謝, 青春永駐 (wahaha~ sounds really good, ey?!), etc. (I just copied these from the product brochure.)


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